Circle K International

Circle K International began as a Kiwanis club service project to provide an opportunity for capable, ambitious, and worthy young men to acquire a college education by assisting them, where necessary, with their financial problems; by means of a scholarship fund, if available, or securing part-time employment. Additionally, affording its members a useful training in the social graces of a well-rounded personality was a focus area for CKI. Soon after the concept of CKI was recognized and accepted, the element of community service was introduced to CKI, thus creating an appealing outlet for collegians around the globe.
Developing college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.
"I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humankind's potential"

Today, as the largest collegiate service organization, CKI boasts a membership of more than 13,000+ collegians on nearly 550+ campuses worldwide. CKI is a student-led organization with an International Board of Trustees elected by its membership each year. Embodied by its tenets of leadership, fellowship, and service at the club, district, and International levels, CKI continues to grow through service to the world’s campuses and communities.
Website: https://www.circlek.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/circlekintnl/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/circlekintl/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ckitv
Circle K International has grown tremendously over the past 84 years, sometimes in spirit, sometimes in members, and still other times in service to the community. Circle K International is continuing to move toward ever-increasing service and leadership development as well as providing fellowship and personal growth to the members. Though history provides a good foundation from which to view achievements and obstacles, Circle K International must connect the organization’s mission with tomorrow’s college students and tomorrow’s student organizations to envision the possibilities for the organization and realize its dream of creating a better world in which to live.
The Three Tenets
Weekly service events are held by CSUCI Circle K, during the week, as well as on weekends. You do not have to be a formal paid club member to participate in a service event. Projects vary from distributing goods to those in need, to ladling soup at soup kitchens, to helping with children at Boys and Girls Club. There are multiple events per week, and it's more than likely that so chances are you will find something that catches your interest. Rides are also provided to all social events if necessary.
To view upcoming service events, please refer to the event Calendar.
CSUCI Circle K has various opportunities for leadership. There are multiple committees that are always seeking more committee members. Each would be more than happy to receive further input. Every event also requires a chair, a responsibility that anyone willing may request. The club also has an Elected Board (e-board) which is elected by club members every year in the middle of Spring Semester, and an Appointed Board (a-board) which is selected by the Elected Board.
To learn more about the current board as well as its specific positions, please refer to the Contact page. An officer handbook was created for your viewing to see descriptions of all board positions. You can view the handbook here.
CSUCI Circle K provides various opportunities for social life socializing and friendships. Our events are always open to new members, and will always welcome anyone who wants to attend our GMs or events. We also holds multiple social events every week which can range from hanging out at the beach, going out for a meal, or having a game night. Rides are also provided to all social events if necessary.
To view upcoming social events, please refer to the event Calendar.